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Meditation Group
Employee Wellness / Community Wellness

Communities can reap surprising benefits from using Luneau’s wellness programs. Creating a happier, healthier workplace & community.

Employee and workplace burnout happen so often. The stressors of a modern work environment can start to wear on your employees. This stress has a direct impact on their physical and mental well-being.

Our employee wellness & community programs includes activities that aim to improve personal health and well-being.

Prioritizing community well-being is the main way an employer can help employees manage stress, build relationships, improve productivity, and reduce burnout.

After all, when people feel supported, they’re more likely to do exceptional work. Our wellness programs can play a key role in improving employee and community engagement and reducing employee turnover.

Nurse Talking to Patient

ON SITE Mini Sessions:

  • Healing Touch (focusing on neck, shoulders, back, arms & hands)

  • Aromatherapy

  • Stress management

  • Emotional Support

  • Empowerment Coaching

  • ​Health Coaching

  • Weight Loss Coaching 

  • Yoga

  • Meditation

  • Breathwork

  • Mindfulness

  • Gratitude

Community Wellness Program Pricing

  • 1 Hour On Site Event : $100.00

  • 2 Hour On Site Event:  $200.00

  • 4 Hour On Site Event : $400.00

  • 8 Hour On Site Event : $600.00 

      (8 Hour event include all shifts) at employee worksite)

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